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Author Interview I- Angel

For this interview, the lucky author has been asked five questions. The author's answers to the questions are underneath the respective questions.

I. What made you start writing books?

You made me start writing books! I love how you write- you make a story so exciting and super tense at times- I love it. So, I wanted to see if I could write books too!

II. What books inspired you to write?

Hmm, this one is more tricky. I'd probably say your books. Like I said previously, they're literally amazing and so much fun to read. I also think action/adventure, fantasy and murder-mystery genres inspired me to write too. I love how the author writes the murder-mystery series, Murder Most Unladylike.

III. What is the main genre you write about?

I have a few genres that I enjoy writing about, but I'd say my favourite is fantasy. I love running away with my imagination while writing a book.

IV. What audience are your books for?

My books are made for an older- child audience. Definitely not little kids, but then not older teens either.

V. What is your favourite book series and why?

I love this question! My favourite book series is definitely Murder Most Unladylike. I love the two main characters, Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong, and I love how the books are written too. They are written in the form of diary entries in a case book - the book still has chapters though. I also love how the book series has a Cluedo-like feel to it - it makes for a perfect murder-mystery. I like how you can relate to the characters as well because the author, Robin Stevens, really delves deep into the character's thoughts and emotions.

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